Friday, 21 August 2009

Sunday Afternoons

I forgot I had this photo from a few weeks ago when Kat and I spent the afternoon at the pub reading the paper and eating lunch. It was pretty much amazing.

Motown in the morning.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Step away from the Ipod.

Bev's back! This is a slightly drunk Bev heading towards the ipod in search of music to dance to in her living room as you can imagine this was highly dangerous and both Erasure and the Communards got some air time that evening. That said we had fun and I made up for Seth's reluctance to dance, there was also talk of Monopoly! Whilst I'm happy for this whole family thing they've got going on I've missed the aggressive monopoly shark Bev, happy days are here again.

Sorry it's been a while.

My internet has been a bit mal so my blog capabilities have been nil the last week or so, to make up for it here's a picture for the nephews of a fire engine that Kat took shortly before she came home. I'll be more frequent with the updates from now on hopefully.